October 30

3 Advanced Value Analysis Tactics That You Need to Know for Your VA Teams to be Better Than Just Good

There are simple low-tech ways for you to raise the bar on your hospital value analysis program and we compiled three of the best areas that believe are most effective over the years.   In an age where everyone is striving for more sophistication in their value analysis programs does not mean that you do not have to employ good fundamental processes along the way to increase your savings and quality success.   These three simple steps will go a long way in sustaining your value program and results over the short and long terms.

  1. Add Champions to Your Value Analysis Committee/Teams: One of the most powerful tactics you can employ to streamline your VA team’s decision making is to assign an administrative representative/champion (i.e., CEO, COO, CFO, CNO, and vice presidents) to each of your VA teams. From our experience, these individuals will guide your team’s decisions, provide management ownership of your VA process, arbitrate departmental issues, and give you a green light on VA projects you would like to undertake.
  1. Shadowing Your Customers: We have all heard of “management by walking around”, which gives you insight into what’s happening in your units, department and healthcare organization.  A similar tenet that should guide you would be to “shadow your customers” to see what they are really doing, not what they say they are doing.  For instance, if you have a new product request for a new point-of-service lab test, the first thing you want to do is to observe how the customers for this product are employing the same or similar tests now.  This works to your advantage since you are putting fresh eyes on the product, hence savings and quality improvements will cascade like a waterfall without much extra work for your Value Analysis Committees/Teams.
  1. Setting Timelines for Value Analysis Projects: One of the biggest challenges for value analysis practitioners that we have seen is that their Value Analysis projects take forever to close out.  We have found the answer to this problem is to give a start and end date to any VA project that you are opening. If the project takes longer than 90 days, then the VA project should be reviewed by your Value Analysis Steering Committee for resolution. With few exceptions, most VA projects can be completed within 90 days. If not, then your Value Analysis Steering Committee needs to renew and approve a new VA project timeline.

It’s now time for VA practitioners to up their VA game.  No longer can we accept mediocrity if we are to be called a profession. These three advanced value analysis tactics, if implemented, could be a start in that direction.



Are you looking to raise the bar with simple and straight forward tools and systems?  Why not view a demonstration of SVAH Solutions VA and Utilization Management Tools today.   The demonstration is no cost and not obligation but the information is priceless!



department, Hospital Value Analysis, practitioners, VA process, va projects, VA teams, value analysis committee, value analysis project

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