The Next Wave of Hospital Supply Chain Savings Opportunities

I can never say this too many times: If you are depending

5 Myths About Hospital Supply Utilization Management You Need To Know About

There are many myths, half-truths, and misinformation floating around the healthcare marketplace

The Cold Hard Facts About Hospital Supply Utilization Management

We often talk about hospital supply utilization management in these terms: If

Healthcare Value Analysis: Lifecycle Cost Management

I learned many years ago that the purchase price of a product,

Hospital Outsourcing or Insourcing: What’s the Right Answer?

In this era of cost control, reduction, and containment, your healthcare organization’s

3 Ways to Get Your Healthcare Value Analysis Projects Approved

How many of your healthcare value analysis projects are stalled, or worse

4 Principles That Are the Foundation of Hospital Supply Expense Savings Validation
3 Short Cuts in Hospital Value Analysis

Everyone is looking for short cuts in hospital value analysis, when in

Hospital Value Analysis: Think Inside the Box

We have all heard the term, “Think outside the box,” which means

3 Secrets For Optimizing Your Hospital Supply Expense Savings Almost Overnight

After you have obtained the lowest prices possible through your GPOs or