March 29

Value Analysis & Utilization Management Storyboards Should Be Your VA & UM Team’s Opportunity to Shine


The first time we saw a value analysis and utilization management storyboard was as we entered into a client hospital’s cafeteria. It was at the entrance of the cafeteria for all their management and employees to see. We were surprised, delighted, and amazed at their employees’ hyper interest in these storyboards. Below are five reasons why you, too, should adopt storyboards:

1. Recognition: Just about every employee and your management team members will see the hard work your value analysis and utilization management team has accomplished regarding saving money, reducing variation, or improving quality for your healthcare organization.

2. Involvement: If an employee sees a better way to do things or an error in your value analysis team’s logic, this is the time to get their input. Therefore, show a contact name and phone number on your storyboards.

3. De-sensitizing: Once your healthcare organization’s employees and management see the outcomes of your VA team’s achievements, they will be more likely to welcome your team’s efforts in their department.

4. Communications: This is a great communications tool for all clinical and non-clinical employees. It lets them know what your VA & UM team is working on, so they aren’t surprised when they see changes in their products, services, or technologies. Remember, it pays to over communicate.

5. Volunteering: As a byproduct of your storyboards (which are advertisements of your VA & UM teamwork) you will find it easier to find new members for your value analysis teams.

Now that you can see the benefits of storyboarding, why not display one in the entrance to your cafeteria and wait for the positive feedback of your VA & UM team’s hard work.


healthcare, healthcare organization, hospital, utilization management, value analysis

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